Wahabi contention: Ash’arees are merely a less consistent version of the Mu’tazila

wahabi wrote:

In practise, the more I have read, the more I have come to realise that the Ash’arees are merely a less consisten version of the Mu’tazila, esp with regards to Allah’s attributes

This is a pity, tell me, which book did you study under a qualified Asħˆariyy teacher to understand what they say? I suspect the answer is "none."

Your inclination towards the Muˆtazilah is because they, like you, believe that Aļļaah’s Speech is something that He brings into existence according to specification. The only difference is that you called this "emergent speech brought into existence by Aļļaah according to His specification" an "uncreated attribute," whereas the Muˆtazilah called this very same "emergent speech brought into existence by Aļļaah according to His specification" a "created non-attribute." You only differ about what to call it, and that is not a real difference, and thus not what the Salaf were concerned about. The Salaf therefore, would have treated you like they treated the Muˆtazilah. See: Wakiiˆ on those who say “the Qur’aan is created.”

2 Responses to Wahabi contention: Ash’arees are merely a less consistent version of the Mu’tazila

  1. Zejnullah says:

    selam brother muslim…

    would you explan the meaning of ”His attributes are not other than him, nor are they him” when is refered to ALLAH(GOD). bsc. i couldnt understand what is the saying
    thanks for your responses

    • They are not Him, because we can’t say for example, that Allaah is Power. Rather, we say He is attributed with Power.
      They are not other than Him, because, for example, what does not have power is not god, but something powerless. Power then, is a necessary attribute of Him, and not something separable that could be called “other.”

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